The project entails the Government of Eswatini working together with IOM to identify, prevent, and protect all victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Eswatini.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Prime Minister’s Office held a high-level inception meeting on the 21st of November 2019 to officially launch a project that will “Strengthen the Coordination Mechanism to Respond to Trafficking in Persons and Ensure Justice and Protection for all Victims of Trafficking in Eswatini”.  The project will span over a period of 20 months where the Government of Eswatini will be working together with IOM to identify, prevent, and protect all victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Eswatini.  Participants in the meeting where members of the cabinet, members of the technical working group, civil society organization, non-Government organizations, members of the Diplomatic Corp, community leaders and representatives of shelters.

The meeting began with highlighting the efforts the Government of Eswatini has taken to combat people trafficking which include; Eswatini putting in place the National Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Trafficking, establishing an Inter-Agency Task Force which is a national multi-sector committee responsible for giving direction to national programmes, collaborating with Mozambique on developing co-operation Terms of Reference on Trafficking in Person and related cases including children on the move (this initiative was later supported by the Save the Children), launching the SADC TIPNET which is a regional forum for national focal persons aimed at strengthening informal, and formal channels of information sharing, expert and technical guidance in the areas of prevention, protection , investigation and prosecution of cases.